Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We are expecting #5

Recently I was thinking back to when I was pregnant with my children. I can remember being sick with each one in the early stages. Feeling sick all day was the norm for the first trimester. Then it got better throughout the pregnancy. I can remember saying several times, "I wish I could just throw up so I could feel better!" Now, I wish I would have never said that! I can't help but think that the reason I am so sick and throwing up is because I needed to realize that I had it pretty good with all my other children. I have tried many suggested "remedies" from many different people, but no cure! I wish I knew the cure -- not only for my sake, but I would be rich! I don't know any woman that wouldn't pay to not be sick. If you have any suggestions, they are appreciated. (yes,I am willing to try anything! within reason) It makes me sick to hear the women that love to be pregnant and aren't sick one bit -- Maybe they are the ones that have horrible birthing experiences and are spared from the sick part -- I don't know, but no fair!
We are super excited for the new addition to our family. The kids want to know if it is going to be a boy or a girl so bad -- and so do we! We are planning on doing the intelligender test in the next few weeks. I am really excited to do that to see if it really works. If you haven't heard of it youtube it and you can see some results. We want to do it before we have the ultrasound to see if it is right. The earliest you can do it is 10 weeks. Which I am right now. We will probably wait until 12 -14 weeks. We usually have the ultrasound around 20 weeks so it will be exciting to see what happens. I will post more about it when we find out.
September once again is the due date! --- we will have 3 birthdays in september! Unless I am 2 weeks early which is realistic for me and my babies and then It would be the end of August. More updates to come...

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